You Don’t Need Marketing Attribution Platforms

Attribution platforms might be the dumbest thing ever.

If you continue reading attribution reports you're not going to change your marketing.

And if you don't change it's going to be too late. I don't read blogs anymore. I mean zero regularly.

I'm getting all my content from LinkedIn, podcasts, books, and video.

If I buy your SaaS product do you know where you'll give credit?

Organic after I type your brand name into their search. (The irony because Organic didn't influence me at all).

During one audit I performed last week an ABM platform attributed over $295k through their platform.

Almost all of this was view through conversions. ? And all of this data is getting reported to Executives and Leadership teams as fact.

So many SaaS marketers are doubling down on the wrong activities right now. And agencies and Martech solutions are happily taking the credit.

Everything you *should* be doing to market your SaaS business doesn't directly impact an attribution report.

Stop looking at attribution as fact.

Start innovating and looking at how your buyer's are informing and educating themselves.

You'll drive more of the right activities.