The Demand Generation Agency Model No Longer Serves You

Born out of a desperate necessity to have an agency that can actually solve the problems that show up as paid ad issues, the story of how Elevate Demand was started likely feels like what you’re feeling now.

Hey There—

After working in house the past 12 years and becoming a VP of Demand Generation, I finally got a taste of agency life when I joined Refine Labs as their first full time hire.

One of the biggest things I learned in-house was how the messaging and the story (brand narrative) was used to generate momentum for marketing and ultimately our paid media programs.

And it was once I was finally on the agency side that I realized the giant mismatch between what you need from an agency and what virtually all agencies offer.

Think of it this way:

If you hired the best B2B ad agency in the world and they created amazing ads, built landing pages that clearly communicated your value, and structured all of your channels properly—would it truly fix your challenges as a marketing leader?

The shocking answer is probably not.

It gets even worse when you realize customer acquisition costs have increased 72% in B2B and a whopping 96% increase via paid.

Talk about it not getting any easier.

Today, winning at paid requires a willingness to move up from day-to-day paid tactics into more strategic work:

  • 10x level bets, not just new ads and landing pages
  • Product messaging that radically outperforms the category
  • An overarching brand narrative, that focuses on your buyers
  • Being relentless about finding and removing friction

You don’t need to hire another demand generation agency that delivers more ads and landing pages—you need help building a compelling brand narrative that warrants a completely new way of thinking to your buyers. Your ads need to communicate how you’re changing the market for your buyer’s as they know it.

To do this level of work isn’t easy. But it’s why we only work with 10 clients at a time and you’ll work directly with the people that can actually solve your problem and do this type of work. We don’t pass you off to some account manager to simply manage ads.

We’d love to join you on that journey together and help you go from category contender to category leader with messaging, a brand narrative, and paid ads that deserve to win.

Jay Baron

Founder & CEO

Talk to Jay – and then talk to our customers!

Spend an hour with Jay at no cost and see the unique approach Elevate Demand has created to unlock growth for your business. Then have him put you in touch with other customers. Really.